Jesus chooses to meet us in our place of need. We are just like the woman at the well, sinful and ashamed. We are in need.
Yes, in the dark corners of our sinfulness, He is there waiting for us.
He longs for us to recognize Him and move away from the sin. He meets us there, in that sliver of a second when we choose.
That choosing time happens in warp-speed, in an instant. It’s a flash of our conscience, a laser-tight second when we know we have that choice to decide: sin or holiness.
We are faced with the choice to continue on with our sin or to stop, turn, and recognize He is offering us a sip of holiness.
Often, we think holiness is only for those elite people, way out of reach. It’s for the saints or martyrs. It couldn’t possibly be for me. I have sinned so much and so recklessly, that God couldn’t possibly be interested in me. My sins are too great, too embarrassing, too corrupt.
He is nowhere near my ugliness and shamefulness. I am so far away from holiness.
So it’s easy to just not look at that faded warning light, that dimly flashing light – especially when sinning is such a habit, so common, so usual.
But it is in that small space of time we are given the gift. Even if it seems like an intrusion to our ordinary, comfortable way, we need to be aware of that gift.
It’s a gift of light, of change. It’s a sip of holiness.
So, stop for a moment. Think about our place of need. Where are we when we slide into sin. What are the circumstances present in the moment when we make that critical choice.
Is it a habit? Is it a person? Is it in the middle of an argument? Is it when we are totally alone? Where are we? How can we identify that repeated sequence of things that make up our moment of need?
Identify it. Picture the moment, the place of need.
Now let’s ask God to turn up the sirens each time that choice presents itself. Every time. Brighten the flashing warning light of our conscience in that place, in that moment. And help us choose the sip of holiness.
Help us each and every time to recognize Him right there, in our ugliness and shame and turn to reach out to receive His gift.
Let’s identify the need. Meet Jesus there. He is there waiting for you, waiting for me.
“Oh my Jesus,
Forgive us our sins,
Save us from the fires of hell,
lead all souls heaven,
especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.”