Calm. Peace. Holy Quiet.
It is precious. And priceless.
And crazy enough, that precious joy explodes with an irresistible instinct to give it away; to share it.
It’s the genuine smile we just can’t wipe off our face and everyone around collects the wherewithal to smile back. Even if, at first, they hadn’t intended to. Most often, they’re the folks we don’t even know!
In a sense, that’s exactly what one smile is. Simple. Silent. Graceful. And full of the grace of the Holy Spirit. And we share it.
I think that’s how the Holy Spirit moves.
I’m learning how to surrender. And when I succeed, even for fleeting periods, this calm wraps me up. Silently and cozy. Totally contented.
That’s when I get this feeling that God is totally in charge of this moment. And it is His moment.
And He’s giving me a tiny peek into the thrill of my surrender.
I become still.
And this thought flashes into my head.
This is the beginning of something great!
So, here I am, a work in progress. . . working on surrendering.
Here is my personal journal, of sorts. It seems to help me express some of the craziness in my mind and heart. And I realize everyone’s journey is unique. But I’d like to share this part of my journey with anyone who might benefit from my humble experience
. . .
of learning to surrender.